Agatha Bârsescu – A World Class Tragedian


  • Mircea Popa Alba Iulia University


Following closely the lifetime theatrical vocation of the Romanian actress Agatha Bârsescu, the present article sheds light upon her love for theatre and her international carrier. After spending her childhood in Bucharest and after studying at the Conservatory of Dramatic Art, Agatha was encouraged to try her chance abroad, which she did when, at the age of twenty‐two, she passed her admission exam at the Vienna Conservatory School of Drama. Years of brilliant roles and extraordinary meetings followed with an enthusiastic audience in Austria, Germany, and later on, in the United States of America. She was loved, highly appreciated, as an artist and as a teacher, when she came back to Romania, at the Conservatory of Iassy where she instructed young actresses. A model of elegance and professionalism, she left behind a volume of beautiful Memoirs, an important correspondence (at the Vienna Museum of Art) and a large number of precious photographs and articles that critics consecrated to her work and life

Author Biography

Mircea Popa, Alba Iulia University

MIRCEA POPA (born in 1939), is a literary critic and historian from Cluj, Professor at the „1 Decembrie 1918” University in Alba Iulia. He is one of the authors of important collective volumes such as: The History of Romanian Theatre (Istoria teatrului în România) vol. III, 1973, the Dictionary of Romanian Writers (Dicționarul scriitorilor români) 2001‐2002, the Dictionary of Characters in I.L.Caragiale’s Theatre (Dicționarul personajelor din teatrul lui I.L.Caragiale (2003) and the Dictionary of Characters in L.Blaga’s Theatre (Dicționarul personajelor din teatrul lui L.Blaga) 2005. He focused his research on Transylvanian Theatre history, (Tectonica genurilor literare, 1980), being the first to write about the
oldest Romanian performance in the town of Blaj (A școlasticilor de la Blaj facere) and about the tour made in Transylvania by the famous actor Zaharia Bîrsan and Antonescu before 1918. He wrote special monographic studies about Victor Papilian, O. Goga, Lucian Blaga, L.Rebreanu and in his book Panoramic jurnalistic, 2011, focused his research on Romanian Theatre Journals. He is also the editor of a number of volumes of dramatic texts written by E. Isac (Teatru, 1986), Ionel Jianu (Intre teatru și literatură, 2004), V.Papilian (Scrieri. Dramaturgie, 2017).




How to Cite

Popa, M. (2022). Agatha Bârsescu – A World Class Tragedian. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai - Dramatica, 63(2), 11–25. Retrieved from