Aesthetic Perspectives in Romanian Theatre at the End of the First World War


  • Ion Cazaban ”G. Oprescu” Institute for Art History, Romanian Academy, Bucharest


Romanian theatre, interwar, Bucharest, Victor Eftimiu, aesthetic ideas


The years 1919-1921 were years of nostalgia and imperative claims for the Romanian stage, years of useful comparisons with the achievements of the theatrical movements from other countries, of explorations in search for the best solutions, of enthusiastic impetuses and efforts to reach lucidity. This paper looks at the main issues and aesthetic ideas that were manifest during the controversies provoked by the premieres of several important theatrical productions within the above mentioned length of time. It also looks at the initiatives of certain cultural associations and at the discussions concerning the modern expressiveness of theatre and the creative role of the theatre director. Special consideration is given to the program and achievements of the  National Theatre from Bucharest during the short period when it was led by the writer Victor Eftimiu.

Author Biography

Ion Cazaban, ”G. Oprescu” Institute for Art History, Romanian Academy, Bucharest

ION CAZABAN is a theatre critic and historian. He is the author of several books, among which: Caragiale și interpreții săi [Caragiale and His Performers], București, Editura Meridiane, 1985; Dan Jitianu şi bucuria comunicării [Dan Jitianu and the Joy of Communication], București, Fundaţia Culturală „Camil Petrescu”, 2008; Dan Nemţeanu şi viziunea sa scenografică [Dan Nemțeanu and His Scenographic Vision], București, Fundaţia Culturală „Camil Petrescu”, Editura Cheiron, 2011; Scena românească și expresionismul [The Romanian Stage and the Expressionism], București, Editura Cheiron, 2012; Scenografia românească în secolul XX. Decorul [Romanian Scenography in the XXth Century. The Set], București, Fundația Culturală Camil Petrescu, supliment al Revistei Teatrul Azi, Editura Cheiron, 2017.




How to Cite

Cazaban, I. (2022). Aesthetic Perspectives in Romanian Theatre at the End of the First World War. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai - Dramatica, 63(1), 145–162. Retrieved from