Perpetuation or Decline? The German Theatre in Sibiu at the Turning Point 1918


  • Ursula Wittstock Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Transylvania,, German theatre, 19th century, Leo Bauer, theatrical conventions, cultural transfer


The present paper focuses on the German theatre in Sibiu at the turning point of the year 1918. It first examins the context of the theatre within the Habsburg  monarchy, its settings and the networking with other German-speaking theatres. Then it presents Leo Bauer as the long-standing director of the German  theatre in Sibiu, switching to the overthrow of the theatre and its chances of survival within the new boundaries after the proclamation of the union of  Transylvania with Romania.




How to Cite

Wittstock, U. (2022). Perpetuation or Decline? The German Theatre in Sibiu at the Turning Point 1918. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai - Dramatica, 63(1), 193–204. Retrieved from