The Image of History in Matei Vișniec’s Dramaturgy


  • Cristian Grosu Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


history, totalitarianism, theatre, Matei Vișniec, freedom, absurd, grotesque, terror


This paper aims at analyzing the dramaturgical tools in Matei Vișniec’s dramaturgy, which shed light upon the relation between art and history, between art  under the cover of fiction and what takes place outside the walls of the theatre. These two are never completely split, they intertwine and they empower one  another. A key point in Matei Vișniec’s work is the way in which history is presented like a mechanism dwelling phenomena always ready to repeat  themselves, as for instance totalitarianism. The content of the paper is based on theoretical approaches, also on the opinions of the dramaturge in relation with his own creation and on practical assumption following a personal point of view of the actor integrated within two productions based on plays written  by Matei Vișniec: The Spectator Sentenced to Death and Richard III Will Not Take Place or Scenes of the Life of Meyerhold.

Author Biography

Cristian Grosu, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

CRISTIAN GROSU is an actor at the National Theatre in Cluj-Napoca and associate Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Theatre and Television, preparing a PHD Thesis on the Art of Acting. He has over 70 roles in comedies, dramas and musicals, participated to a large number of festivals and workshops in  Romania and abroad and he also stagedirected student performances at the Faculty of Theatre and  Television, Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca.




How to Cite

Grosu, C. (2022). The Image of History in Matei Vișniec’s Dramaturgy. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai - Dramatica, 63(1), 205–216. Retrieved from