Let us look at people without passing judgment

Book Review: Independent Theater Hungary, Michael Collins, Franciska Farkas, Dijana Pavlović, Richard R. O'Neill, Mihaela Drăgan, Roma Heroes: Five European Monodramas, Publisher: Women for the Future Association/ Independent Theater Hungary, May 29, 2020


  • Pál Böjthe Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


The book Roma heroes is an exceptional collection of dramas and a special cultural history volume. The drama collection was compiled with great care and a lot of work. In the collection we can read five different dramas written by five European authors.




How to Cite

Böjthe, P. (2022). Let us look at people without passing judgment: Book Review: Independent Theater Hungary, Michael Collins, Franciska Farkas, Dijana Pavlović, Richard R. O’Neill, Mihaela Drăgan, Roma Heroes: Five European Monodramas, Publisher: Women for the Future Association/ Independent Theater Hungary, May 29, 2020. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai - Dramatica, 67(1), 223–228. Retrieved from https://dramatica.ro/index.php/j/article/view/235