Dynamics of Place Relationships and Identity Images in Les parents terribles by Jean Cocteau


  • Ligia-Stela Florea Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca


verbal interaction, place relationships, identity images, interactive frame, interactive space, conversation, discussion, argument


The article aims to study the dynamics of the place relationships between mother and son in scene IV of the first act of the abovementioned play. This relationship, which represents the central theme of the play, is based on authority and domination and the son will try to ward off by resorting to a strategy. We will try to see first of all what this strategy consists of and what effect it will have on the evolution of the relationships between the two characters. Then, the study of the successive phases through which verbal interaction goes through (conversation, discussion, argument) will allow us to show how the plurality of interlocutive roles influences the dynamics of place relationships and identity images.

Author Biography

Ligia-Stela Florea, Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Ligia Stela Florea is Professor at the Faculty of Letters at Babeş-Bolyai University, director of the Center for Romance Linguistics and Discourse Analysis. Her work focuses on the syntax and current trends of French, contrastive analysis (French-Romanian domain), the semantics of verbal tenses, text linguistics and discourse analysis. The most important are: Le verbe français (1996), Temporalité, modalité et cohésion du discours (1999), Syntaxe du français actuel. La phrase simple et ses fonctions discursives (2000), La phrase complexe. Problèmes, analyses, interprétations (2009), Pour une approche linguistique et pragmatique du texte littéraire (2018). She coordinated an extensive Dicţionar al verbelor franceze (Cluj-Napoca, 2003) and developed, in collaboration with Catherine Fuchs, research director at CNRS, a Dictionnaire des verbes du français actuel, intended for the French public and published in Paris in 2010. She coordinated and collaborated on two works funded by a CNCS project: Gen, text şi discurs jurnalistic. Tipologia şi dinamica genurilor în presa scrisă română şi franceză (Bucureşti, 2011) and Aspects de la problématique des genres dans le discours médiatique (Cluj-Napoca, 2011).



How to Cite

Florea, L.-S. (2021). Dynamics of Place Relationships and Identity Images in Les parents terribles by Jean Cocteau. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai - Dramatica, 65(2), 155–172. Retrieved from https://dramatica.ro/index.php/j/article/view/56