Vol. 65 No. 2 (2020): To be a Theatre Critic and Historian Nowadays. In memoriam MARIA VODĂ CĂPUȘAN (1940 – 2017)

MARIA VODĂ CĂPUȘAN (1940-2017), to whose memory this special issue of the journal Studia UBB Dramatica is dedicated, has made theatrical exegesis her preoccupation of choice. Proof are her books, numerous articles published in journals, international conferences organized to celebrate Victor Hugo, Marguerite Yourcenar, Mme de Staël, Eugène Ionesco ... Her research testifies to a circular return of a whole series of study themes on theatre, whose unity of design attests to the ambition of an organic edifice that tends towards the construction of a theatrical poetics, understood in its double manifestation, both as dramatic literature and as performance proper.
This issue focuses thus on topics such as: the historical parcourse of theatre from the classic aesthetic canons to the multiple directions of modern and contemporary stage; performative arts and dramatic strategies; playwriting: from a poetical writing to the hybrid contemporary style; linguistic and pragmatic approaches of theatrical discourse: dialogue as verbal interaction, writing down the non-verbal interaction; critical approaches, theatre as an interrogation on itself; opening of theatrical genres towards other arts, erasing of borders; comparative approaches.