Vol. 64 No. 1 (2019): Between Shaping Mirrors: Discourses on Performing Arts

					View Vol. 64 No. 1 (2019): Between Shaping Mirrors: Discourses on Performing Arts

For this current issue of Studia UBB Dramatica we’ve focused our attention on the rhetoric surrounding the contemporary performing arts, in an attempt to identify and chart some of the ways in which today’s artists, scholars, and managers think about, relate and reflect their art and practice. It is not difficult to notice that the subject of theatre criticism in and of itself appears to be tackled with mostly in relation to the axiological crisis the profession is seemingly facing. It is nowadays constantly challenged by practitioners for losing its relevance and for finding itself in a rut, while critics themselves seldom (although more and more often lately) question their own status in today’s society. Likewise, arts journalism must be ceaselessly reshaped in order to fit the new digital paradigm shift. The spectators themselves, through social media and the articles’ comments or rating sections, have developed their own, often dogmatic and aggressive, form of criticism, eschewing analysis and competence in favor of an enamored or ideological discourse. A situation to analyze, discuss and open to new debates.

Published: 2019-03-30

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